Marie Walsh - Trained Dog Show
April 26, 2001
Scouts and parents gathered
at the monthly Pack Meeting to greet Marie Walsh and her animals.
Marie brought with her Duncan, Bonnie and Bridget. Duncan and
Bonnie are brother and sister Scottish Terriers, Bridget is a 135 lbs.
Irish Wolf Hound. Marie explained to the scouts how to handle an
animal, feed and generally care for them.
Next Marie put her dogs to
the test showing us commands and activities the dogs can perfom.
The highlight of the visit
was letting the scouts handle the dogs and give their hand at walking the
dogs. Marie also passed out literature to the scouts on how to select and
train dogs.
Enjoy the pictures and mpg
videos below !
Pack 3617 Scouts gather
Marie Walsh and her trained
dogs -
Bonnie, Duncan and Bridget