Salt Lake Scout Council charted Pack 3617 in 1965, thanks to the efforts
of Don Ellefsen. Most of the pack scouts attend St. Vincent de Paul
elementary school in Salt Lake City, Utah. Membership is open to
all boys who would like to join.
The Pack was chartered
in 1965 to St. Vincent's Church by Don Ellefsen and Monsignor Mark Benvegnu.
Don is the one who is the starter for the Pinewood
Derby races each year. He is also Chairman of Region 13, National
Committee on Catholic Scouting and head of Scouting for the Diocese.
We are a troop and
pack "Quality Unit" again this year. This is a Great Salt Lake Council
Art Grant is the
Charter Organization Representative for the pack and troop. His responsibilities
fall right under Farther Davich of Saint Vincent de Paul Church.
Pam Grant is the Committee chairman for the Cub Scout Pack as well as a
Webelos leader and Troop Treasurer. Sister Mary Louise is in charge of
the ministries for the Saint Vincent parish, which include scouting.
Scout Sunday is
usually held on the first Sunday of February each year at the Cathedral
of the Madeleine but next year it will be on the first Sunday in March
because of the Olympics. Religious awards are given out by Bishop Niederhauer
and it's sponsored by a different parish each year but organized by the
Diocesan Scouting Committee.
Pack meetings are
generally held the third Thursday of each month 7:00-8:30 pm in the Benvegnu
Center. The only time that we may vary is if there is a holiday that
interferes. Sometimes Parish events conflict also and we may need
to move it but that doesn't happen too often.
Each year the Diocesan
Scouting Committee holds a dinner sponsored by Bishop Niederhauer to thank
all scout leaders, parents, youth ministers, parish priests, sisters, etc.
who are involved in any way in scouting.
Each year we hold
a Scout Pancake Breakfast. The reason for this breakfast is to keep the
scouting presence in front of the parish as well as to earn the funds to
pay for our yearly 'Friends of Scouting' assessment from the council. This
assessment is in addition to our yearly dues, most of which goes to Boys
Life and the National BSA council. This money helps with the upkeep
of all council camps such as Tracy, East Fork of the Bear, Steiner, Bear
Lake, Pine Canyon as well as other capitol expenses that may arise.
This year's was held on March 4th. Our attendance was down so we
may do another in the fall and not do one next spring. We'll have
to see. I'll let you know
Every year the pack
sells popcorn. It is the fall fundraiser and we get 30% of what we sell
back to the pack. The kickoff is usually the middle of August.
A Summer Day Camp
is usually held for the Scouts.
and Art Grant, Home 261-3106; or Saint Vincent Parish offices 272-9216.